Stonemind WEB ZoomifyImage Version 1.4 Released Today.

ZoomifyImage Version 1.4 Released Today.

It seems I make a new release of ZoomifyImage once a year like clockwork. This time around, I fixed a minor bug and made a few enhancements including writing temporary files to the system temporary directory and accounting for changes in ZODB’s transaction handling.

Note that because of these changes in the transaction handling, if you are using ZoomifyImage within Zope, you need to use Zope 2.8 or higher starting with this release.

Here is the full changelog entry for this release:


  • Fixed another instance of “SystemError: tile cannot extend outside image” bug when one of a tile’s dimensions is 0 pixels. (Thanks Tomasz Rodecki.)
  • Replaced deprecated transaction.get().commit(#) with transaction.commit() and transaction.savepoint() to account for deprecations/removals from ZODB code starting in Zope 2.8.
  • ZoomifyImage now uses the system temporary directory for temporary files instead of Zope instance root. (Not tested in Windows. Thanks to Johannes Raggam for this suggestion.)
  • Put all test images into “test_images” directory.
  • Updated documentation accordingly.

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